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The Chair of the Council

The Chair of the Council

Councillor Nikki Ind is the Chair of the Council. Councillor Ind became Chair in May 2023 and the term of Chair runs until the Annual Meeting of Council in May 2024.


Nikki was born and brought up in Cirencester and has lived in the Cotswolds all her life. She attended Stratton and Deer Park schools and she has lived in Tetbury for 33 years, where she and her husband have raised their two children.

It is in Tetbury that Nikki began to get involved in local community groups and she eventually became a Town Councillor and was Mayor of Tetbury.

Nikki was elected as a District Councillor for the Tetbury East & Rural Ward in 2019 and re-elected in 2023 - becoming Chair of the Council in May 2023.

Nikki enjoys cooking for her family and walking in the local countryside with their dog.

Role of the Chair

  • To represent the Council at formal and informal meetings and ensure that discussions are carried out in accordance with the Council’s Constitution and procedural rules
  • To make sure that meetings are run effectively and inclusively, in line with any agreed agenda and to deal with the business at hand. This will include preparation and follow-up, as well as presiding at the meeting itself
  • To be an effective advocate and representative of the Council at meetings and events in the community.

How to get in contact

If you would like the Chair of the Council to attend your community event, you can contact Councillor Nikki Ind by email at or by phone on 07847 605502.