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Landscape development and planning

Landscape is an important part of planning applications and the decision making process. As part of your planning application you may be required to provide additional landscape information.

The Cotswold Design Code (appendix D of the Cotswold Local Plan) sets out guidelines for achieving "Effective Green Infrastructure and High Quality Landscape".

We have prepared some additional advice on green infrastructure to highlight the importance of high quality green infrastructure in delivering well-designed developments. 

Landscape and visual impact assessment

Developments that may have a significant impact on the landscape of the area will require a landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA).  If you are unsure whether your application will require such an assessment, please contact us.

The LVIA should include an assessment of the:

  • impact of the proposals on any relevant protected landscape assets
  • impact of the development on the wider landscape, both countryside and settlements
  • contribution of the proposals towards enhancing the landscape character of the area
  • justification for the development

Landscape Scheme

Many development proposals will require a landscape scheme. The key characteristics of a site and its surroundings, which are described within the landscape assessment, should be conserved and enhanced through the landscape scheme. If you are unsure whether your application will require such a scheme, please contact us.

The Design and Access Statement should also refer to landscape in providing a design concept, which can be used as the starting point for a more detailed landscape scheme. Existing trees and other vegetation should be retained where possible in new developments and protected during construction.