Local Plan News and Consultation
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Moreton-in-Marsh Community Event Feedback Session and GWR/Moreton Town Council presentation, 12th February 2025
Following our community event in Moreton-in-Marsh on October 9th, 2024, CDC hosted a second in-person community event. This included presentations by Planning for Real providing feedback from the previous event; Cotswold District Council Officers talking about the Moreton-in-Marsh Working Group and other key updates; and GWR and Moreton-in-Marsh Town Council presenting on the new Moreton-in-Marsh Transport Hub.
More information about the session is available at the following link: https://your.cotswold.gov.uk/en-GB/projects/lp-moreton-in-marsh
Moreton-in-Marsh Community Event, 9th October 2024
On October 9th, Cotswold District Council hosted a lively community event in Moreton-in-Marsh to capture the community's vision for future development in the coming years. Working with consultants 'Planning for Real,' we explored current challenges facing Moreton-in-Marsh and potential solutions that can be delivered through additional development. This event also helped shape the membership of the upcoming Moreton-in-Marsh Working Group, which will represent the views of residents, businesses, and local organisations to the Council on the Local Plan process.
More information about the event is available at the following link: https://your.cotswold.gov.uk/en-GB/projects/lp-moreton-in-marsh
Local Plan update and Cirencester Town Centre Masterplan Consultation – 1 February to 7 April 2024
Cotswold District Council is updating its adopted Local Plan to make it “Green to the Core”. At the same time, the council is also considering development needs up to 2041 and options for how these may be delivered. It is also delivering on a commitment made in the Local Plan to prepare a masterplan for the redevelopment of parts of the central area of Cirencester.
The public consultation consists of:
- updated Local Plan policies;
- a vision, objectives and development strategy topic paper that starts the process of how the council addresses development needs to 2041;
- a Call for Sites that invites people to indicate available land that can deliver development needs up to 2041. This can include land for housing, employment, renewable energy, green spaces, nature, etc.
- an ‘initial ideas’ consultation document that starts the process for developing a Framework Masterplan for Cirencester Town Centre;
- an interim Integrated Impact Assessment will support the consultation and will include an appraisal of the development strategy options and the draft policies. This will be available from 9 February 2024.
Feedback from the consultations will be considered and used to help inform the draft Masterplan, and further consultation on the Local Plan.
Responses to Local Plan Partial Update ‘Issues and Options’ Consultation 2022
The District Council is partially updating its Local Plan. The first stage of the Local Plan Partial Update was to identify ‘Issues and Options’ that the Local Plan needs to respond to. We undertook a six-week public consultation between February and March 2022. We received a large number of responses, which provided us with an enormous amount of useful information. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the consultation.
You can view the Issues and Options consultation document again via the link below. The links below also provide a summary report of the matters raised by the responses to the consultation and our responses to the representations.
- View the Regulation 18 “Issues and Options” consultation document or online at Issues and Options Consultation
- View the Regulation 18 “Issues and Options” consultation summary report
The information we received is already being used in the next stage of the partial update to the Local Plan, where we are writing new and updated Local Plan policies. We will again ask for your feedback on the proposed Local Plan policies in another public consultation, which we plan to take place later in 2023 and early 2024.
National Policy consultation
The government recently consulted on changes to national planning policies, which are part of its wider reforms proposed by the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. The consultation closed on 2 March 2023 and included two key documents:
- Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: reforms to national planning policy
- National Planning Policy Framework (July 2021) showing indicative changes for consultation
The consultation proposals would affect plan-making in Cotswold District if they are implemented as proposed.
Consultation on Non-Strategic Site Allocations Selection Methodology and Guidance for major development in the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (National Landscape)
Between 16 February 2023 and 16 March 2023, we consulted on two evidence documents that will be used in the Local Plan making process. Both consultation documents are unavoidably technical in nature and responses were primarily sought from those with technical expertise, although the consultation was open to anyone who wishes to respond.
Consultation on Non-Strategic Site Allocations Selection Methodology
No sites are being recommended for development in this consultation. The consultation instead seeks views on the various criteria that will help us to select the best and most sustainable sites for development in the Local Plan.
Consultation on Guidance for major development in the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (National Landscape)
The guidance explains the two-stage process of how to establish:
- whether development proposals are “major development” in the context of the Cotswolds AONB / National Landscape; and
- whether there are any “exceptional circumstances” for major development in the AONB and whether the development is in the public interest.
We are inviting feedback on whether this guidance can be improved in any way.
The two consultation documents, the consultation questions and further information about the consultation can be accessed via the Council’s online consultation system (Commonplace): https://siteallocationsmethodology.commonplace.is/
Call for Sites - Gypsy, Roma, Traveller, Travelling Showpeople and Bargee communities
The last Call for Sites ran until Friday 6 October 2023.
Local Plan Review and Government Planning Reforms
We review the Local Plan at least every five years. In June 2020 we agreed to undertake a partial update for the Local Plan. The update focuses only on issues that need modification within the plan period (to 2031) and does not invite consultation and examination on matters beyond the plan period.
Work to partially update the Local Plan has resumed following a short pause (Cabinet voted 13 May 2021 agenda item 9). This was in light of the Government proposals to reform the existing planning system and to change the way that councils plan for new development and determine planning applications. For example, it included a proposal to significantly increase future local housing need and potentially growth in the District.
We published our response from these proposals in September 2020. For further information on the Government’s proposals please see Planning for the future White Paper and Changes to the current planning system consultation papers published in August 2020.
In February 2021, the Government published a revised housing need calculation and it confirmed that significantly higher levels of local housing growth are no longer proposed in the District during the 2020s. The new local housing need figure is roughly in line with historic rates.