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Biodiversity specifications

Specification #1: Precautionary method of working for reptiles, common toads, hedgehogs, badgers, and nesting birds

This document outlines working practices to reduce the likelihood of impacting these species.

Compliance with this document can be conditioned for development sites where there is a low risk of these species being present, and when the local planning authority considers it appropriate. This document isn’t just for developers. If you are undertaking any significant landscaping at home that could affect protected species this can help you to ensure that wildlife is not impacted.

Specification #2: Amphibian and reptile enhancement

This specification details three habitat enhancement features for native reptiles and amphibians. This may be used on development sites or to improve your garden for wildlife.

Specification #3: Bird nest boxes

This specification details how to install and maintain bird boxes for different species. It can be used by homeowners and planning applicants alike to provide new nesting sites for local wildlife.

Specification #4: Bat boxes

This specification details how to install and maintain different types of bat boxes. Please refer to your planning consent to determine which parts of this document are relevant to your site and how many boxes are required.

Specification #5: External lighting

Light pollution is known to impact both humans and wildlife and needs to be considered during the planning process. This specification details our requirements for external lighting where sensitive wildlife is likely to be present.