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Food hygiene ratings

The food hygiene rating scheme publishes ratings for food premises. It rates how hygienically the food is prepared, not the quality of food.

Venues nationwide ranging from restaurants, cafes, takeaways, delicatessens and shops to care homes, hotels and pubs are given a rating.

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Food hygiene rating system

Food safety officers give a rating based on a scoring system:

  • 5 - Very good
  • 4 - Good
  • 3 - Generally satisfactory
  • 2 - Improvement necessary
  • 1 - Major improvement necessary
  • 0 - Urgent improvement necessary

The rating represents the situation at the time of the inspection. It may not be representative of overall, long-term food hygiene standards of the business.

The Food Standards Agency sets out how food hygiene inspections are done based on the Food Law code of practice. Businesses are assessed on:

  • Hygiene (including food handling and temperature control)
  • Structure (including cleanliness, condition of structure, lighting, ventilation, washing facilities)
  • Confidence in management (including evidence of a satisfactory, documented food safety management system)

Change or improve a rating for your business

If you are a business and want to improve your food hygiene rating you can download a Food standards Agency pack from the Safer Food, Better business website. If you are unhappy with your rating you can either, appeal your food hygiene rating or request a revisit.

Request a revisit

You have a right to request a re-visit for the purposes of re-rating if you have taken action to rectify the non-compliances identified at the time of inspection.

We make a charge for this service of £210.

The unannounced re-visit will normally be carried out within 6 weeks of the receipt of your request and payment of the fee.

There is no limit on the number of revisits you request, but the fee will apply for each time.

You can make your request at any time after the statutory inspection, provided that you have made the required improvements. Details of the improvements must be provided with your request, including supporting evidence where appropriate. If we consider that you have provided sufficient evidence that the required improvements have been made, an unannounced, full inspection will take place.

The local authority officer will give you a ‘new’ food hygiene rating based on the level of compliance that is found at the time of the re-visit - you should be aware that your rating could go up, down or remain the same.

To make a request for a revisit, please complete this form below and return it to the address below, with your payment.

To request a revisit from the inspectors complete and return the form. 

Pay for your revisit through the online form.

Pay for your revisit

You can also add a message commenting on your rating or flag up any improvement work you have done since your last inspection, this is your 'right to reply'.

Appeal your rating

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