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Infrastructure spending and funding

Infrastructure reporting

The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) is an annual report which provides a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions relating to Section 106 Legal Agreements (S106) and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) collected and spent by Cotswold District Council.

Infrastructure funding

The Council collects funding for Infrastructure, mainly via obligations in Section 106 legal agreements (S106) or via the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

The money collected by CIL is divided into three areas:

  • Strategic Fund
  • Neighbourhood Contribution (transferred to Parish or Town Council) 15% standard or 25% if a neighbourhood development plan is in place
  • Administrative costs 5%

The Strategic Fund needs to deliver infrastructure that supports development in the district. Our Infrastructure Delivery Plan has identified infrastructure projects that are required to deliver development up to 2031. These have been included in the Local Plan policies SA1, SA2 and SA3.

The Infrastructure List, which can be found in the Infrastructure Funding Statement above sets out the CIL spending priorities of the Council.

The Council will still seek S106 contributions for major schemes, affordable housing, public open space and for site specific measures. But only if they are required to make the development acceptable in planning terms.

Infrastructure spending

Each year, between 1 March and 31 May, the Council invites infrastructure providers to bid for CIL funds. Bids can be made by completing an ‘Expression of Interest Form’, which can be found below.

The Council has split the available CIL funds into two funding pots:

  • 10% is set aside for infrastructure projects that help deliver actions related to the Council’s Climate and Ecological Emergencies
  • 90% is put into a Strategic Fund aimed at delivering essential and critical infrastructure identified in Cotswold District Council’s adopted Local Plan

For further details on how to submit your bid and the assessment process, please read the ‘Expression of Interest Guidance Notes’ below.

Note that the call for bids for CIL funds runs alongside a call for bids for funds from the Council’s Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces Fund. These funds have a separate expression of interest form but follow a similar procedure for bidding. More information can be found on the Council’s Habitats Regulations Assessment page.

Town and Parish Council reporting

Town and Parish Councils are also required to produce an annual report on the CIL monies they have received and spent. The following local councils have provided the District Council with their CIL return. If your local council is not on the list, it means they do currently not hold any CIL funds or they have not provided the District Council with a copy of their report. You can find a list of all local authorities who have received funds in the Infrastructure Funding Statements at the top of this page.

Upper Rissington Parish Council

The Council has also produce a guidance document for town and parish councils: