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Council meetings and minutes

Minutes and meeting documents

Agendas and reports are published to the website five clear working days before the meeting.  Minutes are published as soon as possible after the meeting, and at the latest when the agenda for the next meeting is published.

Minutes are considered as draft until they have been approved as a correct record at the next meeting of the Council, Cabinet, Committee or Sub-Committee. If any amendments are made to the draft the final version will be published as soon as possible.

Find meetings, agendas, reports and minutes

Find out which services councillors are responsible for.

Location and time of meetings

View meetings calendar

Meetings are normally held at the Council Offices, Trinity Road, Cirencester, GL7 1PX and begin at:

  • Council - 2pm/6pm
  • Cabinet - 6pm
  • Audit and Governance Committee - 4pm
  • Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 4pm
  • Planning and Licensing Committee - 2pm

Speaking at meetings

Find out about speaking at our meetings.

Councillors' attendances at committees

Not all councillors are required to attend every committee meeting. Check which councillors attend which meetings.